Saturday, February 20, 2010

What are "RSS Feeds"?

Once in awhile it just has to be done, shameless self-promotion.   I work hard everyday to bring content to Barefoot Vacation that I feel will at least capture my attention.  If it also appeals to you then that's fantastic!   I'd like people of like mind to keep up on the latest and coolest trends in "adult only" vacation travel.

How can you follow easily?
1.  Just come to the blog everyday.  and/or  2. RSS Feeds.

(RSS Feed Icon)

 If you notice on upper right hand of this page you'll see the above icon with a "Click to Subscribe to posts" line next to it.  If you click that it takes you to another page.  This is where some people get confused.


If you're a Google-a-holic like I am just click on Google icon shown below...
...and that'll take you to a page asking if you want to add the RSS Feed to your homepage or reader.

The home page is I-Google if you use that.  Google Reader is just a page that allows you to follow posts, like mine, in an easy way.  


Now there are other options too, Yahoo.  If you click on it's icon..
...if you click on that it automatically just adds it to your Yahoo homepage.  You can keep it or cancel it.

(congrats, you did it)

There are other feed's you can subscribe too but on those, more than likely, if you know about them you don't need this RSS Feed 101 post.

I appreciate your loyalty and promise to keep you entertained with the latest and greatest from the travel world.  Should you feel compelled you can always just click on an ad in the white column on the right to check out some of the cool deals and products that are offered - it's free, fun and good for Barefoot!  :-D

Thank you.

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