Sunday, January 23, 2011

The U.S. has no airline fatalities in 2010!

For the 3rd time in the last 4 years, the US lost not a soul in airline travel.  It's been safe skies lately, a trend the airlines desperately want to continue.   In 2010 U.S. carriers flew more than 10 million flights and hauled more than 700 million passengers and yet nobody was lost.  There were 14 serious injuries, but they all recovered.

Deaths by Year
2010 - 0
  2009 - 50
2008 - 0
2007 - 0
  2006 - 50
  2005 - 22
  2004 - 13
  2003 - 22
2002 - 0
      2001 - 266*
  2000 - 89

* does not include the 9-11 death tolls

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