Thursday, December 30, 2010

BUSTED - 3 cruise ship empolyees caught sneaking in drugs...

Yesterday 3 dope dealing dumb asses tried sneaking in heroin and coke from the Dominican Republic to Baltimore but got busted by customs officials who were tipped off by the cruise ship's security!    It all went down on Royal Caribbean's Enchantment of the Seas yesterday as the ship made it's port of call into the US.  

(Baltimore Harbor)

Recently, the cruise line was in the news, Royal Caribbean wants YOU to tip better, trying to get the customers to tip better.  Now they got staff sneaking in drugs.  What's going on over at Royal Caribbean?   After the smugglers arrest they reviled that they were going to be paid $4,000 for sneaking the goods in to the buyer whom they were trying to meet at a Wal-Mart before being busted.   In the end, the crew-members and drug buyers were all arrested and charged.

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